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Vivekananda Cultural Centre

VCC Policy Document 

  • Terms and conditions 
(For every participant who pays fees and joins courses/programs)
  1. I shall abide by the code of conduct and rules prescribed by the Centre (Henceforth will be referred as VCC, short form for Vivekananda Cultural Centre.
  2. I shall punctually and regularly attend the classes and diligently work towards the successful completion of the course.
  3. If I am absent for three classes continuously without information (either over WhatsApp/Call/SMS), I happily agree to the rule that my admission will be cancelled.
  4. If I am late for prayers (conducted just before start of each class) continuously for three days, I happily agree that I will have to take the permission of Director-VCC to rejoin classes.
  5. Very Important Note: Before making Online payment, I will confirm the start date of the course I wish to join, by calling Admission officer (Office mobile - 99418 55565 during office hours - 10 to 1 pm and 3 to 7 pm, except Mondays off) and after confirming the seat will make the payment.

All the above terms and conditions are subject to change whenever the management feels it is necessary for the smooth running of operations. Every participant is mandated to agree to the Terms and Conditions (with a Check box (✔️)) in the admission form (Zoho) itself before making Online payment. Website is Governed by Indian Law.

  • Refund Policy 
(For participants who have paid Course Fees)
  1. Participants cannot claim refund of the fees once paid. 
  2. In very rare circumstances and after due consideration, the management can make an exception, seeing the genuineness of the issue on a case-by-case basis and approve a refund. Refund in such cases will be completed within 10 working days. 

  • Refund Policy 

(For participants who buy books in VCC Bookstall)

  1. Books/articles once sold will not be returned/refunded.
  2. On the rare occasion, when double payment is done through Paytm or QR Scan by a purchaser of books or articles, a refund process will be initiated and the amount refunded within 10 working days.

  • Privacy Policy 
  1. VCC management declares that your mobile number, Email-ID, DOB, Address, and other records/details will be treated as confidential and kept safe with us.
  2. We promise not to share your private data with anyone (except under special conditions when the request comes from competent authorities/police etc.—for legal purpose only).
  3. Consent is taken in the online admission form itself with a Check box (✔️) before adding in WhatsApp group.
