Flowers stand an important place in Indian culture and lifestyle since time immemorial. They reflect religion, spirituality, fashion, tradition, joy, grandeur, art and all auspiciousness. There is no worship, ritual or festival in India that is complete without flowers and garlands.

Garland making is no simple skill! The art of stringing flowers into garlands in different patterns and methods is indeed listed as one among the 64 praised art forms. This fragrant art, not merely contributes to aesthetic value, but voices the rich history and heritage of this country.
Despite its matchless elegance and prominence in India, this important art form, which had once been a daily routine at homes, is seen to be gradually fading away in today’s fast paced modern lifestyle. Most of us today are indeed blind to the richness and charm of this beautiful skill, to the extent that we almost fail to even recognize garland making as an ‘art form’.
Impelled to encourage India’s traditional flower artisans and reaching this sacred art form to one and all, Vivekananda Cultural Centre has planned the MALA GRATHANA (garland making) workshop with skilled garland makers from various parts of the country to train participants in different traditional methods of the skill.
Garland stringing, as many other classical art forms, is also reported to be very meditative and therapeutic. It enhances mental focus, concentration, and also fuels creativity and imagination, thus becoming a very good exercise for the brain and mind. Many doctors and psychiatrists today declare that this skill, in addition to being a good stress buster, has proved to be very helpful for kids and adults with disabilities like dyslexia, anxiety, depression and other mental illness.
With the limbs, sense organs and brain having to work in synchrony, these traditional skills like drawing Kolam, stringing garlands, etc. that we have inherited over generations as a part of our splendid culture and heritage, pave way to all round development in one’s life. It is a popular saying that a small change in daily habits can bring great improvement to overall character and personality. Handling flowers instils in one tenderness and patience. If practicing this relaxing art, can turn us into soft and pleasant individuals, what more reward do we need! It is hence time we get back to our roots and explore our traditional value system backed up with such great art forms. We welcome you all to come, to join and joyfully learn this sacred art form, at the holy ambience of Vivekananda House.
What will you learn?
KIDS WORKSHOP (8–15 years)
- DAYS 1 & 2 : Coconut leaf and Mango leaf Thoranams
- DAYS 3 & 4 : Simple flower garland.
Available Batches:
Mala Grathana (Kids)
5 pm to 7 pm.
Age Limit
8 to 15 years
How to register ?
How to register ?
1. Click the link below
2. Fill out the form and make your payment
3. Inform us about your registration through a Whatsapp Message to : +91 9941855565
4. For offline registration, you may also directly visit our Vivekananda Cultural Centre office at the Vivekananda House campus in Marina Beach Road, Chennai or call us at the above given phone number.
- Participants are requested to be punctual and not roam around/loiter the campus.
- Participants are expected to come in decent attire complying to the sanctity of the campus.
Only limited seats are available. Admissions are taken based on first-come first-serve basis.
For further details contact : +91 9941855565 /