Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), a unit of Sri Ramakrishna Math in Chennai, offers Quick-Job-Oriented Vocational Courses such as Graphic Design (Joint Certification) and Tally-GST with Office Automation (National Skill Development Corporation-NSDC, New Delhi certified), offering a strong career path in a competitive environment for worthy and deserving students.
The students are chosen from the disadvantaged sections of our society; majority of them being children of housekeepers, watchmen, coolies, labourers, auto drivers, single parents, electricians, and plumbers etc. from the Chennai region.
Every student who completes training, gains a competitive advantage in the job market and is successfully placed on a promising professional path, and becomes an asset to her or his family.
We are able to facilitate the above program for the worthy and deserving students because of the generous and kind contributions of both individual and institutional (CSR) donors.
Donations are exempt from income tax under section 80G.