Summer Learning Quest 2024
24th April to 3rd May

As Parents we are keen to ensure our children do well in life and live life to the fullest. Coupled with this, is the anxiety of how to ensure this happens. Learning Quest 2024 is an exploratory step towards paving the path to your child’s success in life.
Do you agree that every child is a bundle of talent and skills?
If yes, do you see merit in exploring and nurturing their unique talent and skills?
Here we bring to you an exploratory Journey for your child - Learning Quest 2024, it is built on three core pillars, specifically meant to make your child grow, succeed, and find joy in life. The three pillars are Talent DNA (more commonly known as skill strengths), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and Areas of Interest. These are explored in the course in the following ways:
Firstly, as UnEarth. In this part of the course, the children will take up the Gallup Strength Finder for Students (a popular assessment tool making an impact for over 3 decades). A detailed top 5 strengths report shall be generated, and it will be the basis to mentor the children on what their top strengths are and how they can leverage their strengths to succeed and grow.
A 1:1 Mentoring session shall be part of the Unearth program and the same shall be conducted during the camp.
Secondly, as Spot It. Every child has unique areas of interest or passion in which they get engrossed, and we spot it for them. Again, a tool-based assessment (O*Net/truTest from our National Skill Development Corporation) shall be administered to the children so that they can discover their areas of passion. This discovery will be a key pillar for exploring career options in the future. The assessment report will be a ready reckoner for children when they want to validate their choices.
And lastly, as Practice. While talent and passion are important traits, the social-emotional skills covered in this part of the course will lay the foundation for children to have a good quality of life. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will ensure happiness and harmony in life. SEL promotes the development of life skills, attitudes, and behaviours that enable children to identify and manage emotions, regulate behaviour, make responsible decisions, maintain healthy relationships, and much more. Here the mode of learning will be by doing a series of activities. They will also develop a learning journal that shall be their lifelong companion.
We aim to revolutionize education, ensuring no child's potential goes unnoticed or untapped. Together, we can create a generation of high achievers across all sectors. Join us in unlocking the boundless potential within every child, shaping a brighter future for all. With your support, we can unleash unlimited possibilities, embracing and celebrating the unique talents of each young mind.
Learning Quest 2024 shall be the first step to Unleashing True Potential in your child. Enroll to Unleash
9:30 am to 11:30 am
15 Seats Only
13-16 Years